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UNIPLAT is the world's first online platform specialized for researchers and entrepreneurs from all over the world to share their ideas and research projects related to United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and gain support from individuals or institutions.

 UNIPLAT's goal is to ensure that researchers and entrepreneurs worldwide are evaluated and rewarded fairly, regardless of their economic situation, geography, or affiliation, through incentives based on their innovative research, achivements, and discoveries.





I am a researcher/individual member of UNIPLAT, presenting my research.I first submitted my work to UNIPLAT on April 11, 2022.I have two accounts.One account is Minami Fukasaka.On the Minami Fukasaka account, I have published 88 videos and 44 documents.




私は、自分の研究を発表している、UNIPLATの研究員/個人会員です。私は、2022年4月11日に初めてUNIPLATに投稿しました。私は、二つのアカウントを持っています。一つのアカウントはふかさか みなみで、88の動画と、44のドキュメントを発表しています。


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One account is POLEO. On my POLEO account, I have 24 videos and 23 documents.



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I have expressed the spirit, the mind, and the potential worlds in my paintings.And I have verbalized about those worlds.Knowing exactly how the psyche works is very important for human beings to achieve happiness.I have contributed my research to UNIPLAT.






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Click on the image and title below to visit the UNIPLAT website.






【UNIPLAT Researcher Minami Fukasaka Document List】
  UNIPLAT研究員ふかさか みなみ ドキュメント一覧




Emotional control is impossible.

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 Consciousness is always active, so to study static consciousness is to study something else.

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Humans live in a cycle called logic, and the root of this is the world of consciousness.


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Communication is impossible between humans with and without abstract conversion function in the brain

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The world of spirit and consciousness is more precise than communication technology.

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The SDGs are a long full text adopted by the UN in 2015 and should not be interpreted in a concise manner



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Without a pure heart, the normal cognitive functions and integrative apparatus cease.



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Mental health of all human beings



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Essence of Spirit 4/ Video Transcript

精神の本質 4/ ビデオ トランスクリプト


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Essence of Spirit 3/ Video Transcript

 精神の本質 3/ ビデオ トランスクリプト


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Essence of Spirit (Advanced) Video Transcript

スピリットのエッセンス(上級)ビデオ トランスクリプト


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Spiess Lecture 1, Chapter 1, Elementary (Video Transcription)

Spiess 講義 1、第 1 章、初級 (ビデオ トランスクリプション)


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Essence of Spirituality1/ Destruction and Creation



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Essence of Spirituality2/About Symmetry



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Essence of Spirituality3/divided human beings



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Essence of Spirituality4/Humans Falling into Dependence



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Essence of Spirituality5/Attachment Disorder and Dependence



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Essence of Spirituality6/Human empathy



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Essence of Spirituality7/The Mystery of the Beautiful Mind



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Essence of Spirituality8/Human Beings are Energy Bodies



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【UNIPLAT Researcher POLEO Document List】

  UNIPLAT研究員POLEO ドキュメント一覧 



Realization of potential means having high intelligence.




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Virtual Space Earth / The difference between multifaceted and multidimensional / The essence of a thing is its nucleus

仮想空間地球 / 多面性と多次元性の違い / 物事の本質は核である


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Concrete and abstract, lower and higher dimensions



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Differences between the Visible and Invisible Worlds



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Unless the purification of the hearts and minds of all mankind is given the highest priority, the destruction of the earth cannot be stopped.



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The Need for Education. What is intelligence? Spheres and energy.




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Organization of the Subconscious and Consciousness



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