I am a Japanese artist. My name is Minami Fukasaka.I am a Japanese painter.I am a poet and a thinker.


私は、日本人で、私の名前はふかさか みなみです。日本の画家です。私は、詩人で、思想家です。







I am engaged in various activities with the motto of coexistence with nature and animals, harmony, peace, and the elucidation of the human spirit as my mission to pursue the truth and to be responsible for the betterment of humanity.


I support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the United Nations.


I am a researcher/individual member of UNIPLAT, submitting my ideas and research materials to UNIPLAT.


My goal is to free many human beings from mental suffering as well as mental domination and enslavement through the language of the human mind and mental mechanisms.


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Click here to see my activities as a Uniplat researcher.






I also run an online store where I sell the paintings I have been working on.I sell original paintings and print paintings.


I have expressed in my paintings my love for animals, the harmonious world of the universe, and the depth of the human spirit.

I wish for a beautiful planet and hope that humans can be free from suffering and live a happy life.


I have created my own brand and my works can be purchased in my online store, but this activity has just started in the Japanese area.My goal is to sell my products to many people in countries across the country and around the world in the future.





My online store is here.  私のオンラインショップはこちらです。





I live in Japan, where healthcare and education are guaranteed compared to other countries.However, many people are mentally ill and have less energy and smiles on their faces.I want to create a future where human beings have not only material wealth and physical health, but also mental health and affluence.I also hope for a future where nature stops being destroyed and humans stop fighting each other, where nature shines beautifully, where humans live hand in hand and get along with each other instead of fighting, where no one is left behind, where no one suffers alone, and where we can rejoice every day that we were born on this earth.






Click here for my profile and biography.






I am also active in expressing myself on social networking sites. Click here to see my Instagram.








The following is part of my research presentation text.






Humans cannot be happy with physical health alone.


This is the biggest challenge facing Japan, a developed country.


Compared to other countries, Japan can be said to guarantee a minimum level of medical care and education to everyone.


However, mental illnesses continue to increase, most people are stressed, and relationship problems and family issues never go away.


The way to deal with mental illness and mental disorders is bleak, and there are many challenges.


No cure has been found.


The fact that attention is being paid to the field of the mind may be considered progress, but many people are becoming ill without any solutions being found.


And there are many problems with the solutions, and I think that these have become a negative chain reaction.


In a society that does not operate in perfect harmony and in an unequal world, people are born with many trials.


This makes it impossible to trust others, and people become constantly defensive and aggressive.


In order to avoid revealing their true nature, people are taught to know right from wrong and to control themselves for the sake of social harmony.


Because the true self and the controlling self are different, the true self is burdened and falls into loneliness.


If you look at this phenomenon from a bird's eye view, it can be said to be a kind of dissociative symptom.


If this situation continues, the dissociation worsens, the self is lost, and everything is created by the controlling self, but how does the brain work on this?


In the brain circuits, circuits of excessive self-denial and excessive self-approval are formed. It can be said to be a disease of multiple personalities.


When someone points out the words or actions that are based on the desire for approval, the person jumps up and a negative expression suddenly appears. It's a state of anger.


This is a brain disorder.


When you are in the midst of a delusion of euphoria due to the desire for approval, if someone points it out and hits the nail on the head, your euphoria is broken, your true self of self-denial emerges, and your defense instincts come out as they are.


Panic occurs. Then, when they see through someone's true nature, they start shouting at them, finding their faults, and insulting them in an illogical way.


They also enter a dualistic world where they consider themselves good and others evil.


This really is happening everywhere, every day.


This phenomenon occurs even in people who have not been diagnosed with a mental illness and who are recognized by society as being in good health.


If this is the case, then it can be said that everyone is potentially ill in some way, and that people cannot heal others in the first place.


Despite this, isn't it untrue that people give people illnesses and label them as disabled?


People who have a desire for recognition, self-denial, and jealousy will dominate or become slaves to others in order to attack and defend.


On the surface, they preach good and evil, but in their true nature, this dualism is activated by the desperate impulses of their defensive and aggressive instincts.


If many people have this brain circuit, abnormal situations will occur even in shared awareness.


No matter how much it may seem that no war is taking place, it can be said that a battlefield is always unfolding in the spiritual world.


As far as I know, no one believes that modern medicine can heal mental illnesses or mental disorders.


No one believes that talking to a mentally qualified person such as a doctor or counselor will heal your mind.


This is because the certification of a qualification to heal people supports self-approval.


However, since people are quick to sense self-approval and attacks, they do not have the instinct to open up to such people.


A world of complete control has been created.


It may be an advancement that the human mind is entering the field of medicine. However, if the inside is only moving in a world of control, then something abnormal is happening.


People are hurt by other people. And this becomes trauma and causes suffering. In order for these things to be healed, it is impossible with manufactured empathy and listening.


Healing can only be achieved by truly thinking of the other person sincerely, spending time together, exposing each other's desire for approval and self-denial, and becoming naked, not by manufactured time.


Also, in order to gain the trust of others, it is counterproductive to only acquire one-dimensional skills; one needs a large personality. At this level, many circuits flow smoothly in the brain, and the thoughts and sensitivities that grasp and evaluate one-sided human words and actions do not work.


Empathy, sincerity, gratitude, and love are originally pluralistic and abstract languages ​​that cannot be understood by one-dimensional brain circuits. Even if you cannot grasp them, if you continue to proceed with a mistaken interpretation in a shared awareness that is connected to nature and the universe, it will be like living alone in a foreign country, and eventually the circuits in your brain will spark and short out.


All humans are tired and cannot heal or evaluate others.


First of all, it is necessary to beautifully arrange your own mental circuits, and then your relationships with others will be arranged as a result. Relationships with others and society cannot exist in a world of control.























































Drawing a picture is about expressing the feelings inside of you that you cannot put into words.


There are some things that you can feel but cannot put into words, and sometimes it is a part of your inner spirit that you are not even aware of.


So sometimes drawing a picture makes you feel refreshed, and sometimes it makes you surprised to discover that you knew about this world.


Rather than drawing what you see, in my case, painting is, in any case, a way to express yourself.


In this way, even though we are ourselves, we do not understand our own brains or our own spirits at all.


I think it makes sense that you cannot understand others if you do not understand yourself, but humans tend to ignore their own concerns and only care about others.


I think this is very similar to how we can see the faces and backs of others but cannot see our own.


It is very difficult to know your own spirit.


To do this, first of all, you need the minimum support to survive. Food, clothing and shelter.


And it is also necessary to be free of major psychological trauma. When you are mentally ill, your thought processes don't work, your perception becomes distorted, you are unable to take the words and actions of others as fact, and you are constantly delusional.


When this happens, you can only see the sick parts with sick thoughts, there is no way out, and you just wander around.


Despite being in that darkness, you desperately need to be normal, and before you know it, you start wearing a mask like a drunkard, and if this continues, you will no longer know whether it is you or a mask.


I think it is truly sad that each and every human being is endowed with a sophisticated brain and mind, yet we cannot see even a fragment of it.


In such a situation, I think painting was my salvation.


The human subconscious is a deep world, and it is not easy to understand.


You can only explore your true subconscious after you have food, clothing, and shelter, and your mental illness has been healed.


There is still a lot we do not understand, but the spiritual world contains programs that are more advanced than those in a computer.


It also contains systems that are more advanced than optical and electrical communication technologies.


To bring these into bloom, you need to know language and logic (logical thinking). To do that, you need education.


The mind is different from this logic. It is like a power plant that connects to nature, and you cannot connect to it just by being educated.


You need to rest and create a foundation for receiving the energy that flows from nature and the universe, otherwise it will not come in.


The mind is a dense logic circuit, but in order for humans to expand it, you first carefully build up one-dimensional things, and then build up different aspects.


If you do this carefully, you can increase your speed, but if you forget to be careful, everything else will fall apart all at once.


Logic is being constructed like a template, and if you make one mistake, the other things will go haywire.


To construct a template, you need an integrating device, and I think this integrating device and the mind are related.


If you carefully gather many concrete things in the tangible form and your mind is moved by them, the integrating device will work and a beautiful, unerring sense of abstraction will be created.


All humans wish to be happy, but I think one of the reasons why it is difficult for people to be happy is that they have not been able to understand the facts of the spiritual world.





























































I think the mind is something so enormous that it cannot even be put into words. However, I am beginning to understand the mind little by little.


To me, the mind is a big sense that is not oneself.


The mind is a very difficult and sophisticated world of logic.


As long as one is human, knowing language and having logical thinking skills are the minimum skills required to understand the mind. Without these, one cannot understand human beings themselves, cannot understand organizational charts, and cannot understand society.


If one does not know history, one cannot get a bird's-eye view of one's environment, one can only see everything with a vague sense, and everything will bow down to trauma, and one will not even be able to think.


If one cannot put into words the subtle movements of the mind, one will perceive the world as moving roughly, and if this is not true, one's cognition will go haywire.


If one does not know one's consciousness accurately, one will not be able to know the world accurately.


It is very difficult to do this task calmly.


Even though instincts and mechanisms are just working, they suffer from guilt, and in the end they lose power and everything falls apart.


There is no mercy when they see this, it just works by logic.


Just like the body, if it is injured by some kind of impact, the injury will get worse and worse.


The invisible mind cannot see the impact, injury, or deterioration.


Just like the body, the mind is made up of intricate mechanisms, and it must be examined closely with brain power that exceeds the knowledge of the body.


Just like researching and treating the body, it must sometimes be like a doctor who looks under a microscope or operates in a space where bacteria has been removed.


Even our own bodies and minds are full of unknowns, but in this modern age where the spiritual world is underdeveloped, only we know ourselves.


We have discovered that this world exists, but the truth of it has not been revealed to us at all, and in the midst of our desire to feel as if we understand it, the reality is that it only moves with joy and sorrow.


We can vaguely sense that they are great, but contrary to this, people who are trapped in ignorance are bound by sin, and as a result, they suffer serious mental injuries, their cognition becomes distorted, and the pain causes their desire for approval to become exaggerated, and they enter a warp of dissociation called a self-only delusion.


There, a world of convenient values ​​and simple structures is created, and because it is full of contradictions, it cannot be shared with anyone, and even perception of others becomes poor.


The spirit is originally beautiful and bright, but the light has gone out and only suffering spreads.


However, if there is a single ray of light, I want to protect that tiny little flame and shine it on the world.












































Knowing the structure of one's own mind also means knowing the human mind.


The world would not exist without oneself, so the importance of making a solid sense of self a top priority in life is clearly articulated.


The human mind and brain are truly unknown, and humans have unknown abilities.


There is a term called multiple personality disorder, but if we use the term multiple personality disorder not as a disease name, but with the preface of trying to understand it simply by removing the negative symptoms within the term...


As a human potential, there are many personalities within one person.


For example, empathy is a necessary ability for humans, but if it is not accompanied by logical thinking, it will be judged as a personality that is influenced by emotions.


So, even if a person has both empathy and logical thinking, there are times and situations when only empathy is expressed prominently.


At that time, is logical thinking not working? Well, it is working potentially.


In the circuit that thinks in the long term, each and every event is constantly being input.


It's also the difference between potential and manifested abilities.


Potential is a combination of many abilities, and it is not something that is immediately apparent.


Humans have a variety of experiences in life.


There are happy times and painful times.


I believe that by strengthening potential in addition to the ability to grasp the "now" and "present," we can greatly increase human potential.


It is usually possible to grasp the current situation.


However, it is difficult to acquire the ability to grasp the long-term battle of how the current situation will affect the course of one's long life.


However, human potential can do this.


In that sense, humans are truly multiple personalities.


At the micro level, they are multiple personalities, but at the macro level, they are combined into a single, coherent personality.


If that is the case, the more beautiful personalities there are, the more wonderfully coherent and large a person they will be.


If you don't understand this, you will be at the mercy of others and life itself, and you will panic at the events in front of you, and you will not see the truth that the periods in life when you feel pain are the key times, and you will go in a wasteful direction.


However, you may mistake the intoxication of simple pleasure for happiness, and the pleasure may become a trap and lead you to hell.


In my case, because I was unable to put the multiple elements of myself into words in this way, I did not know how to express myself to others, and I created misunderstandings and spent a lot of time alone because I could not meet people who truly understood me.


However, I came to understand that humans are originally multi-layered structures, and by clearly recognizing myself, others can actually understand me.


Strong empathy does not mean that you lack logical ability, but the more you hone your straightforward and sharp empathy, the more beautiful it is.


And it also affects the energy that raises logical ability.


Sensibility and logic cannot be separated.


Some things are at the micro level, and some are at the macro level.


If you understand this mechanism, even if people see only one side of you and think you are emotional, stubborn, or ruthless,


to think of a human being as a personality based on only one of these elements is just ignorance of human potential.


In this day and age when human potential is still unknown, it is important to keep in mind the truth that other people's evaluations of you have no relation to who you really are, and continue on the path of self-exploration.


In front of animals and children, people can be pure and innocent.

In front of someone who is in pain, they can simply cry together without saying anything difficult.

They can look ahead and become evil with the conviction to care for others.


On the other hand, they can act rationally and calmly within the organizational chart.

They can also organize logic circuits without emotional arguments.


A person who was crying yesterday can walk forward the next day feeling refreshed.


All humans are originally endowed with both of these abilities (sensitivity and logical ability).


A major challenge for humanity is to create a society where these abilities can be brought out.


If one of these abilities is lacking, there is no need to suffer from guilt or despair that one has no abilities.


I hope for a future where all people can have an environment where they can bring out these abilities.















































































